I am a clinical epidemiologist at the department of Epidemiology and Data Science (EDS) at the Amsterdam UMC, and my projects are embedded at the CIMM (Center for Infection & Molecular Medicine), a translational laboratory in the Amsterdam UMC-location AMC hospital. The focus of my current projects involves 1) critically ill patients in the intensive care who acquire infections and/or develop acute kidney injury, and 2) improving outcomes of kidney transplanted patients. Here I apply epidemiological analyses linking clinical data with molecular data, such as genomic information, messenger RNAs, lipids, and metabolites. With profiling the immune system in critically ill patients, I explore heterogeneity of treatment effects (HTE). Next to this, I use causal inference methods to address time-varying confounding for acquiring complications during hospital stay. On these topics, I co-supervise several PhD students (as co-promotor). I hold personal grants from the Dutch Kidney Foundation.
Key publications:
Uhel, F., Peters-Sengers, H., Falahi, F., Scicluna, B. P., van Vught, L. A., Bonten, M. J., ... & MARS consortium. (2020). Mortality and host response aberrations associated with transient and persistent acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with sepsis: a prospective cohort study. Intensive care medicine, 46, 1576-1589.
Peters-Sengers, H., Butler, J. M., Uhel, F., Schultz, M. J., Bonten, M. J., Cremer, O. L., ... & van der Poll, T. (2022). Source-specific host response and outcomes in critically ill patients with sepsis: a prospective cohort study. Intensive care medicine, 48, 92-102.
Cano-Gamez, E., Burnham, K. L., Goh, C., Allcock, A., Malick, Z. H., Overend, L., ... & Goh, C. (2022). An immune dysfunction score for stratification of patients with acute infection based on whole-blood gene expression. Science translational medicine, 14(669), eabq4433.
Steenvoorden, T. S., Evers, L., Vogt, L., Rood, J. A., Kers, J., Baas, M. C., ... & Peters-Sengers, H. (2024). The differential impact of early graft dysfunction in kidney donation after brain death and after circulatory death: Insights from the Dutch National Transplant Registry. American Journal of Transplantation.
Chouchane, O., Schuurman, A. R., Reijnders, T. D., Peters-Sengers, H., Butler, J. M., Uhel, F., ... & van der Poll, T. (2024). The plasma lipidomic landscape in patients with sepsis due to community-acquired pneumonia. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 209(8), 973-986.
Contact information:
Please contact me at h.peterssengers[at]amsterdamumc.nl